Friday, June 25, 2010

Partnering insights

While it may be difficult for men to appreciate pointe work, they have a great advantage over women when it comes to understanding partnering. The man is usually standing behind the woman or in another position where it is easy to watch her. He can study various positions and the effects they create. As a woman, I have great difficulty understanding what a man does in partnering. I know what feels right, but that is all. When a man is partnering a woman, he can feel her weight and may have ideas about other possible movements. He sees how her body falls and constantly has to adjust or fix things that go wrong. His job is to react and relate to what he sees. The woman is in a more passive stance. this may be one of the reasons so few women choreograph classical ballet.

Dancing for Balanchine by Merrill Ashley. 1984. Page 183.

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