Sunday, April 11, 2010

Russian Lessons with Vaganova and Gusev

The rehearsals for these performances were much more strenuous even than the normal training. Vaganova was merciless and expressed her dissatisfaction in no uncertain terms. She put the greatest emphasis on all movements; arms and head were just as important as the legs. One wrong movement with one little finger was enough to bring down her thunderous disapproval. On the other hand, nothing could be so rewarding and satisfying as a half-approving nod and a friendly grunt from her.

Pista's training was even more severe. On the day of his first appearance in Blue Bird he had to rehearse his part--from the beginning to the very end--about five times and when he was hardly strong enough to stand on his legs, he was ordered to do some strenuous exercises at the bar. For the first time in his life Pista protested to Gusev but he replied:

"I want you to feel strong and light."

This sounded pure nonsense; but Gusev was right.

He did feel strong and light.

Leap through the Curtain; the story of Nora Kovach & Istvan Rabovsky by George Mikes. 1955. Pages 137-8.

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